28 October, 2008

Bloggity blog blog...

Sorry for not being more prolific, but I'm suffering from massive brain strain... I'll try to pop a post or 2 out before I leave this weekend. Promise.

more animals

26 October, 2008

Tis the (Halloween) Season

I'll be driving all day on Halloween, but for those of you who get to participate in the tricking and treating... Here's hoping for a fun and safe day for everyone. Check that candy, Mom and Dad... And as a caution for those who might partake of TOO MANY sweet treats...

Happy Pumpkin Day!!

25 October, 2008

Fall... Finally Thou Comest

Forecast calls for lows in the 30's... FINALLY. I love Fall in general, but most of all I love the cooler weather it brings. Looks like we're finally gonna get some. :)

24 October, 2008

They call me... Tater Salad

1. Woke up (reluctantly) around 9am mumbling "800-654-4262"...

2. 11am. Finally made it to work. No breakfast yet.

3. Breakfast: Potato salad, cheez-itz, and Coke.

Eighth (and final) day of Fall Fund Drive? You betcha.

22 October, 2008

Tension Breaker... Had To Be Done

how to get rid of stress..lol

Love, sleep & Starbucks (not necessarily in that order),

21 October, 2008

Own A Slice Of Air

As most of my friends know, I work in radio. Not just any radio station, but an NPR-affiliated Public Radio station. "Public" meaning that we get much of our operating funds from our listening audience directly, in lieu of selling ads like commercial stations. Being dependent on public support means that twice a year we have to go on-air and ask for contributions... the dreaded semi-annual Fund Drive. You've seen these on public TV for years... they break out the live concert specials and all that to encourage folks to donate. Ours is a little different, in that we don't change our whole program schedule. It's still an extremely stressful time for everybody in the station as our daily routines get thoroughly hashed for a week and a half, shifts get longer, and of course there's the pressure of reaching the money goal.

Some people wonder why we do it. I know why I do it, and why I think my colleagues do it too. We do it because we believe that Public Radio offers the listener something that no other radio out let does. Whether it's news without the hype and hoopla, an old-fashioned on-stage live radio show (we air two such shows), or music you don't hear on pay-for-play, narrow-casted commercial radio (jazz, blues, classical). I (we) believe that it's important to have a place to find these things. If you've ever said "Hey, check out what I heard on NPR..." or if you've ever had one of those famous "driveway moments" when you just had to sit in the car til the end of the story... Pony up a buck or two to your local Public Radio station. Or heck, do me a fave and pony u a buck to mine. :) 800-654-4262 or www.apr.org

Now, I think I'm gonna find a couch to nap on...

more animals

LOL long and prosper,

20 October, 2008

Stayin' Alive... literally.

I was trained in CPR yyyyyyyears ago as a Boy Scout, and I had it down pretty well. I haven't had a refresher since then, so I'm probably pretty rusty. If I'd been taught this technique, I would probably be on top of my game to this day.

If you don't know CPR, learn it. You never know when you could be in a position to save someone's life, whether it's a stranger or someone you love. If you're rusty like me, take a refresher course. I know I'm going to.


p.s. As promised.... ;)

more animals

19 October, 2008

Well, here we go again...

Welcome to my umpteenth attempt at keeping a regular blog. :) I don't know what has prevented me in the past, but I've always lagged behind... and eventually stopped all together. I guess you'd say this time I've found a new motivation... y'know? My intent is to do at least SOMETHING daily, but don't hold me to it. 3x a week minimum, I believe I can promise. Nothing earthshaking... just thoughts about life, whatever's made me laugh lately. Hey, it's not much, but it's progress.

In case you're wondering about my choice of name for this blog... I consider The Matrix one of the best damn movies ever made. I identify strongly with the character Neo. He wants to believe he's in control of his own life, but is constantly challenged with decisions he doesn't understand. In The Matrix, a young "psychic spoonbender" reminds Neo that when we try to change our world, it is often we ourselves that change. I find myself constantly reminded that "there is no spoon," and that I must change and adapt if I am to make sense of the world I live in. Pretty heavy stuff, huh? :)

So as you come along with me, I hope you enjoy the ride. If not, just hang your head out the window and feel the breeze. Works for my spaniel, Rusty. ;)
